So before all the hectic holiday shopping and creative cooking begins, take one more day to remember one of the major reasons why you moved to Florida. 


Nov 12

Sand Key Park
Much Merry Making (but no BBC trips)


I/we would like to go to I/we would like to go to Sand Key Park with the BBC on November 12th. Enclosed is my $28 check (pp).  Be sure to add any chair/umbrella rental fees to your check as well.

Print your name(s):   _______________________________________________________________________________________________

I/we wish to be on the bus with these friends (name up to four) ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Because this beach is fairly wide (as shown in the first picture above), you may want to reserve (and pay in advance for) the following:

2 chairs and an umbrella  $20   ____________  (initial here)
1 chair  $10  _______  (initial here)
1 umbrella only $15 (too much)       _______   (initial here)


Come and say goodbye to one of their local residents.

for this year’s beautiful beach gatherings with both old and new friends!

Might you consider getting together for one last quiet and peaceful day at the beach before winter sets in.
On November 12, relax in the serene setting of Sand Key Beach Park

2018 Beach Trips

To join us on this trip, print the reservation form (click on green button below) and mail it along with your check (made out to the BBC) for $28 per person to the address below. On November 1st, we will conduct our lottery and you will be notified shortly thereafter of your seat confirmation or waitlist status.

Liability Waiver:  The BBC has a revised Liability Waiver specific to our club.  Even if you have signed a liability release form in the past for our club, we are asking that you sign the revised one. This will only need to be done one time; not yearly as in the past.  Please click on link below, print and sign, and give the form to your bus leader on this trip. 

 Copyright. Barefoot Beachcombers Club.  All rights reserved

**To open the printable versions, move your cursor to the left hand side of the blue or green button.  Your cursor will then turn into a hand.  Once it does, click on the button and the print version will open in a new window.

Keep in mind we may not see this beautiful scenery again until March 

With the Hectic Holiday Season quickly approaching

Barefoot Beachcombers Club (‘BBC’ will also suffice)
333 Colony Blvd. #110
The Villages, FL 32162

You could instead hand your addressed envelope to a person at the counter at Safe Ship in Colony Plaza, saving you the stamp.

However, as always, we’ll be monitoring the weather and red tide situations.

For dinner, you’ll have your choice of the adjacent Bahama Breeze or The Cheesecake Factory in the Brandon Town Center. 


And while we can’t predict what the temperature may be, we do promise that our buses will not be slowed down by snow or ice.

 or feel the warmth of these waters again outside of your shower.

before joining a bustling, boisterous bunch for the Thanksgiving holiday.